
We value the privacy of our customers. It is the goal of Consult Cranston to respect your privacy with regard to any information we may collect through Consult Cranston and other websites we own and operate.


We only request personal data when it is absolutely necessary to offer you a service. We gather it with your awareness and consent using just and legal methods. Additionally, we inform you of our motivation for collecting it and our intended uses.


We only keep the data we’ve acquired for as long as it takes to deliver the service you requested. We will safeguard the data we store using reasonable commercial efforts to thwart loss, theft, and unauthorised access, disclosure, copying, use, or alteration.


Except as required by law, we never divulge any personally identifying information to the public or to other parties.


There may be links on our website to sites outside our control. Please be aware that we are unable to take responsibility or liability for the content or usage of these websites, nor can we regulate their privacy policies.


You have the option to decline our request for your personal information, but do so with the knowledge that we might not be able to offer you all of the services you’ve requested. We shall consider your continuous use of our website as approval of our privacy and personal information practises. 

The following is the Cookie Policy for Consult Cranston, accessible from

What Are Cookies

This site uses cookies, which are little files downloaded to your computer, as is customary with almost all professional websites, to enhance your experience. This page explains the data they collect, how we use it, and the reasons why we occasionally need to store certain cookies. We’ll also explain how to stop these cookies from being saved, but doing so may degrade or “break” some aspects of the website’s operation.

How Cookies Are Used

We employ cookies for a number of the reasons listed below. Unfortunately, there are rarely any choices that adhere to industry standards for turning off cookies without also turning off all of the services and functionality that they contribute to our website. If you are unsure whether you need any cookies or not, it is advised to leave all of them enabled in case they are required to deliver a service that you use.

Turning Cookies Off

By changing the settings on your browser (for instructions, check your browser’s Help file), you can stop cookies from being set. Be advised that deactivating cookies can make many other websites you visit and this one less functional. In most cases, removing cookies will also disable some features and functionality of our website. As a result, it is advised that you leave cookies enabled.

Our Set Cookies

  1. Cookies relating to accounts

We will use cookies to administer the signup process and perform basic administration if you create an account with us. These cookies are typically removed after you check out, but occasionally they could stay behind to remember your site settings after you log out.

  1. Cookies associated to login

To keep track of this information when you are logged in, we use cookies. As a result, you won’t need to log in each time you visit a new page. To make sure that you can only access restricted features and locations when logged in, these cookies are normally deleted or reset when you log out.

  1. Cookies relating to email newsletters

This website provides newsletter or email subscription services, and cookies may be used to keep track of whether you have already registered and whether to display certain alerts that might only be applicable to subscribers or unsubscribers.

  1. Processing linked orders cookies

Some cookies are required for this website’s e-commerce or payment features to function properly and for your order to be remembered across pages.

  1. Cookies relating to surveys

We occasionally offer user surveys and quizzes to give you intriguing insights, practical tools, or a better understanding of our user base. To remember who has already participated in a survey or to provide you correct results when you switch sites, these polls may employ cookies.

  1. Cookies associated to forms

Cookies may be created when you enter data through a form, such as those on contact sites or comment forms, to remember your user details for next communications.

  1. Cookies for site preferences

We offer the option to modify your preferences for how this site behaves when you use it so that you have a wonderful experience while using it. We need to set cookies in order to remember your preferences so that they can be called anytime you interact with a page that is influenced by your preferences.

Third Party Cookies

We occasionally employ cookies supplied by reputable third parties in unique circumstances. Which third-party cookies you might encounter when using this site are described in the next section.

This website makes use of Google Analytics, one of the most well-known and reliable online analytics tools, to help us better understand how you use the site and how we can enhance your experience. In order for us to continue creating interesting content, these cookies may track information such as how long you spend on the website and the pages that you visit. Visit the official Google Analytics page for additional details regarding Google Analytics cookies.

We occasionally test new functionality and make minor adjustments to how the site is delivered. These cookies may be used when we are testing new features to guarantee that you have a consistent experience while using the site and to help us determine which site improvements users find most useful.

Since we sell things, it’s critical for us to comprehend statistics regarding the proportion of site visitors who actually complete purchases. As a result, these cookies will track this type of information. You should care about this since it implies that we can generate reliable business projections that let us keep an eye on our product and advertising expenditures to guarantee the lowest feasible pricing.

On this website, we also employ social media plugins and/or buttons that give you a variety of methods to interact with your social network. The following social media platforms, such as List the social networks whose features you have integrated with your site? :12, will set cookies through our site in order for these to function. These cookies may be used to improve your profile on those platforms or add to the data those platforms already have for the various uses outlined in their individual privacy policies.