How to Hire and Retain Top Tier Marketers for Your Agency?

by Chaankwenda PM.png

As the founder of an award-winning boutique business development agency, I know how important it is to have a team of talented and motivated marketers who can deliver results for our clients. However, finding and keeping such marketers is not easy, especially in a competitive and fast-changing industry. That’s why I use a 3 tier mentorship system for my staff, which has proven effective in developing skills, fostering loyalty, and increasing performance.

What is the 3-Tier Mentorship System?

The 3 tier mentorship system is a simple but powerful way of creating a culture of learning and growth within your agency. It works like this:

  • Level 1: Top-level mentors. These are your agency’s most experienced and successful marketers, who have demonstrated leadership and expertise in their fields. They are tasked with offering mentorship to your department heads, who are responsible for overseeing the different aspects of your agency’s operations, such as sales, strategy, creativity, and analytics.
  • Level 2: Department heads. These are the managers and supervisors of your agency, who have proven their ability to lead and execute projects for your clients. They are mentored by top-level mentors, who provide them with guidance, feedback, and support. They also mentor the third-level staff, who are the junior and entry-level marketers in your agency.
  • Level 3: Beginner staff. These are the new hires and interns of your agency, who are eager to learn and grow in their careers. They are mentored by the department heads, who teach them the skills, knowledge, and best practices of their respective fields. They also receive regular check-ins, reviews, and recognition from their mentors.

What are the Benefits of the 3-Tier Mentorship System?

The 3 tier mentorship system has many benefits for your agency, your clients, and your staff. Here are some of them:

  • It creates a clear and consistent structure for your agency, where everyone knows their roles, responsibilities, and expectations. This helps to avoid confusion, conflict, and duplication of work.
  • It fosters a sense of belonging and trust among your staff, who feel valued, supported, and respected by their mentors and peers. This helps to boost morale, engagement, and retention.
  • It enhances the quality and efficiency of your work, as your staff learn from the best and apply their skills and knowledge to their projects. This helps to improve client satisfaction, loyalty, and referrals.
  • It promotes a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, as your staff are encouraged to seek feedback, learn new things, and challenge themselves. This helps to keep your agency ahead of the curve and competitive in the market.

How to Implement the 3-Tier Mentorship System in Your Agency?

Implementing the 3 tier mentorship system in your agency is not difficult, but it requires some planning and commitment. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Identify your top level mentors. These should be the most senior and respected marketers in your agency, who have the skills, experience, and personality to mentor others. You should also consider their availability, workload, and interest in taking on this role.
  2. Assign your department heads. These should be the staff of your agency, who have the authority, responsibility, and accountability to lead their teams and projects. You should also consider their performance, potential, and compatibility with their mentors.
  3. Recruit your beginner staff. These should be the new hires and interns of your agency, who have the passion, potential, and willingness to learn and grow in their careers. You should also consider their qualifications, goals, and fit with your agency’s culture and values.
  4. Communicate your expectations. You should clearly communicate the purpose, goals, and benefits of the 3 tier mentorship system to your staff, and explain their roles and responsibilities as mentors or mentees. You should also provide them with the resources, tools, and support they need to succeed in this system.
  5. Monitor and evaluate your progress. You should regularly monitor and evaluate the performance, satisfaction, and development of your staff, and provide them with constructive feedback, recognition, and rewards. You should also solicit their feedback, suggestions, and concerns, and make adjustments as needed.

I hope this article helps you to understand and implement the 3 tier mentorship system in your agency. This information is an excerpt from my contribution to a panel discussion at the just ended marketing 2.0 conference in Dubai. 

I am keen to know your thoughts, and if there is anything you would like to add to this system please feel free to add your suggestions in the comments section. 

I look forward to reading your genius idea.